Katie has been a champion biker. High-five to her for being able to conquer almost 16 miles of Virginia hills!

We biked the Huckleberry Trail and were surrounded by green and wonderful people. We met an ancient man with a beautiful white bicycle who told us about coal mining history in Virginia. I also chatted with a lady who said her dog had saved her life four times. Now she carries the dog everywhere with her on her scooter.
Why are there no pictures of these characters? Because, this summer makes me understand the relationships I've neglected. For a little while I want to listen to the story and become a part of it. I've been too removed. I miss my hands being dirty.
And, I miss all of you.

Floyd County - a house where nobody lives

Bollo's Cafe: Blacksburg, Va.

I think Katie swears a lot going up the hills. She said we should record her and make a soundslides. But, don't let this picture fool you. Katie never gives up.
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